Interest(ing) Calculator is a financial/interest calculator with the following features:
1. Calculate any parameter in interest calculations if you know the other three parameters. The basic parameters in financial calculations are principal, interest rate, period, installments.
2. Interest compounding period and installment periods can be selected and different. For example loans can be repaid in quarterly installments and interest can be compounded monthly.
3. Calculations for loans, fixed deposits and recurring deposits.
Tujuan (ing) Kalkulator adalah keuangan / bunga kalkulator dengan fitur berikut:
1. Hitung parameter dalam perhitungan bunga jika Anda mengetahui tiga parameter lainnya. Parameter dasar dalam perhitungan keuangan pokok, bunga, jangka waktu, angsuran.
2. Tujuan periode compounding dan periode angsuran dapat dipilih dan berbeda. Misalnya pinjaman dapat dilunasi secara triwulanan dan bunga bisa diperparah bulanan.
3. Perhitungan untuk pinjaman, deposito tetap dan deposit berulang.
Interest(ing) Calculator is a financial/interest calculator with the following features:
1. Calculate any parameter in interest calculations if you know the other three parameters. The basic parameters in financial calculations are principal, interest rate, period, installments.
2. Interest compounding period and installment periods can be selected and different. For example loans can be repaid in quarterly installments and interest can be compounded monthly.
3. Calculations for loans, fixed deposits and recurring deposits.